How to Gain Clarity on Which Tasks to Prioritize, Get Off the Hamster Wheel, and Build a Business that Can Run Without You


I'd be thrilled for you to join me in my Build a Business That Can Run Without You course, so you can build the business you've always imagined and get off that hamster wheel once and for all.

When join the course, you will:

  • Spend More Time With Your Family & Loved Ones (Time For a Vacation!)
  • Learn Successful Strategies to Solve Problems You’re Facing Today.
  • Be Able to Hire and Retain Top Talent.
  • Gain Confidence in Your Decision-Making.
  • Learn How to Develop and Document Processes.
  • Build a Business That Can Run Without You.
If you’re ready to achieve all of that and much, much more, click the button below to view the course and enroll TODAY. 
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What My Clients Are Saying... 

Here’s what some business owners who’ve worked with me have to say:

"The goal of a business coach is to make their clients more successful while simultaneously making life easier for them as well. Brian has been able to take complex topics, such as financials, and reduce them so they are easy to deal with, make sense and you are able to create an actionable plan on how to run your business effectively. I have worked with several consultants and Brian has done this better than any of them. I would highly recommend signing up for his membership."

~ Stacy C
Equipment Experts

“I can't begin to describe how valuable Brian’s coaching has become for me and my business. I've been a business owner for 30 years, so I thought I had most things pretty much figured out. What I've learned from Brian has been life changing...I highly recommend this program to any business owner that wants to improve any area of their company. I don’t know of any other program where you can learn such excellent, real life business concepts, and have a fabulous coach all packed into one course."

~ Joanne S
Rainier Chemdry

“I’m so glad that I joined even when I already felt overwhelmed and felt that I had zero time to put towards another meeting... Even though I have been in the industry doing my job for over 12 years, the Success Path has been a great tool that has helped me realize where I’m at, and where I need or want to be... I like the passion Brian has when he speaks, and honestly, the desire to really help people with their business. I feel I get more out of the membership then I’m paying for!"

~ Jen N
Spartan Agency

"Brian offers some very valuable advice for business owners at various levels in their business. A couple of the things I have gained so far is thinking more like a customer, rather than a business owner, when I am assessing [the customer’s] needs and offering practical solutions. I’ve also gained a lot out of the financial part, which has encouraged me and motivated me to take a harder look at using my profit and loss as a tool that should be tuned up and used regularly."

~ Kevin H
Center Collision

Here’s How it Works

These are the four simple steps you’ll take to build a business that can run without you:


The first step is to determine the goals you have and uncover the gaps that are holding you back so you can build a thriving business.


During our work together, you will learn how to break down complex problems into simple strategies to reduce unnecessary frustration.


Many business owners struggle to know what to focus on to make the biggest impact. You’ll learn how to prioritize challenges.


Take all the practical knowledge you learned and implement the strategies and skills to build a business that doesn’t own you.

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Ready to Build a Business that Can Run Without You?

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Brian L. Harding
Phone | 253-255-9204
Email | [email protected]

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